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January 2013

The Doors of Perception

THE DOORS Of PERCEPTION: A mutualist account of entrances and exits. “If the doors of perception were cleansed, Everything would appear to man as it is….” (William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell) Entrance ‘Each generation,’ says Leontiev, ‘begins its life in a world of objects and phenomena created …

Uncle Cedric

Uncle Cedric, in the bath tub Dreams of monumental forms Billowing from the steamy water. Closing his eyes, he sighs, The water laps Around his folded fat; He drifts away to the sun, His spiral orbit Round the plug hole. Uncle Cedric melts into His dream; As he disolves, in …

The Pork Pie

So, this is how it was, OK? I came home from a trip, yet another conference. I was tired, a bit spaced really – these things can be a bit of a proceeding, what with all the liquid social events. For some reason C was out. Anyway I made some …

Shouting Sun

Swimming to wakefulness and the sound of the alarm. The roaring bell clapper. The sound stopped, revealed the distant hints of morning; birds gossiping in the streets, milk bottles chattering in crates, the milkman’s inane whistle. Dave Roper, yawning, tried to sense what sort of day it was; sniffing for …

The Borges Matrix

In June 1993, I found myself in Les Eyzies de Tayac, a village in South West France famous for its numerous prehistoric sites. Though to say that I “found” myself in the Dordogne is perhaps too contingent an expression. My visit was entirely intentional. In any case, most particulars of …